1. How do you usually spend your free time?

Getting on top of my work. Checking emails, thinking about upcoming projects, maybe working from home a little... I like my job!
Curled up with my favorite fuzzy blanket, a good book, and a warm drink.
I'm happy as long as I'm surrounded by my close friends and family.
Alone with my thoughts. I enjoy peace and quiet whenever I can get it.
Volunteering for causes I'm passionate about.
I like connecting with others online! I write a blog, host a podcast, stream, make websites, etc.
Free time? I don't have any room in my schedule for that.
Studying, of course.
Exploring new places and meeting new people!

2. Your ideal man/woman is...

Family oriented.
A hard worker.

3. You won the lottery! How're you spending that cash?

I'm buying my parents a new house! And a car!
I wouldn't mind travelling for a while.
I'm donating it to the poorest of the poor.
I've already invested it all.
I will use it to finally start my soapmaking business! Or do I want to make candles? Or...
I will donate it to my church. They will know where the money is most needed.
I'll spend it on my community. Maybe a new school or recreation center!
I will use it to further my education.

4. What color(s) do you prefer?

Pure, bright white.
Natural earthy colors like brown and grey.
Pink or red! Depends on my mood.
Shades of blue.
Black! It's like all of the colors at once, right?

5. What is your dream job?

US Marine. I look good in uniform!
A librarian. Surrounded by books and silence.
A wife and mother/a husband and father. I'm traditional, okay?
A professor. I love to teach others.
A politician. It's busy work but hey, someone's gotta do it.
A doctor. The more people I can heal, the better.
A social worker. Taking care of my community one person at a time.
An artist. I value creativity and expression.

6. Time for dessert! What will you have?

Mint ice cream.
Does popcorn count as a dessert?
A piece of fruit will do just fine.
Lavender shortbread cookies.
I avoid sugar so no dessert for me.
Something rich like chocolate fudge.
A cherry pie that I made from scratch!

7. Where would you like to go on holiday?

An old city full of history. I could happily spend days walking around museums, libraries, and art galleries.
Somewhere adventurous! I would love to go climbing or hiking out to places not many souls have been to.
Anywhere a cruise ship can take me. The trip is just as fun as the destination!
A luxury resort with a world class spa. I could use a bit of pampering every now and again.
Wherever my husband/wife wants to go. As long as there is a decent internet connection...
A homestay in a foreign country. Bonus points if I can't speak the language!
A little town in the middle of nowhere. Roadtrips are the most fun when there's no plan.